TELECOMMUNICATIONS, MEDIA AND TECHNOLOGY INSIGHTS Absa Insights Series Absa | Corporate and Investment Banking > Absa insights series > Telecommunications, Media and Technology Insights Our foresight assists your business’s sustainable growth potential We have created a platform for our sector experts to provide data driven insights that will help your business adapt and thrive in an ever-changing world. SECTOR EXPERTISE Matching Foresight with Sustainable Possibilities In the next part of our insights series, we’re discussing Telecommunications, Media and Technology – and how they can unlock limitless possibilities in Africa. Traditionally the provider of voice, data connectivity and mobile payments solutions, the telecommunication sector, is now using technology to build an entire ecosystem around the individual consumer. As a finance partner to a number of emerging businesses in Africa, we need to understand how we not only improve access to finance, but give them the right tools to facilitate their upward growth in the market. Through the Absa Insights Series, we help our clients unlock their full growth potential through sustainable opportunities and solutions, ensuring a future for them, our planet and for generations to come. Contact us Prasanna Nana, Head: Telecommunications, Media and Technology gives a view of how the Telecommunications sector is impacting the agriculture and healthcare sector. Telecommunications, Media and Technology Sector Insights Unlocking your business's potential with insight and sustainable solutions. FINTECH Africa’s Tech Sector is Powering Up in 2025 Even in the harshest environments, growth can flourish in unexpected ways. While there was little that could be deemed positive during the early days of the pandemic, for Africa’s tech ecosystem, this challenging period unexpectedly spurred extraordinary development. Read more TELECOMS INSIGHTS How technology is weaving African markets into the global fabric Merlin Rajah, Head of Equities Electronic Product at Absa CIB believes that technological integration is key to allowing the world to access Africa’s trading market – helping to break down barriers to entry and unlock important investment opportunities. Read more TELECOMS INSIGHTS Driving a Sustainable Digital Revolution For Africa’s tomorrow Sub-Saharan Africa stands at the brink of a digital revolution, where telecommunications and technology are poised to be the driving forces behind sustainable socio-economic development. With a youthful population and vast economic opportunities, the region is embracing digital transformation as a pathway to inclusive growth and prosperity. Read more TELECOMS INSIGHTS The quiet technology revolution in South African trading Merlin Rajah, Head of Equities Electronic Product at Absa Corporate and Investment Banking believes that South Africa is the most exciting emerging market for electronic trading right now – as he explains the vital connection between the right tech and international investment. Read more TELECOMS INSIGHTS How telecommunication companies are using technology in agriculture and healthcare in Africa Connected phones can save lives and secure food. Prasanna Nana provides her thoughts on how telecommunication companies are aiding the Agriculture and Healthcare sector in Africa. Read more TELECOMS INSIGHTS Rural connectivity requires innovative solutions Feasible rural connectivity in South Africa is critical, but it remains an unattractive prospect for investors. Is there a solution? Read more TELECOMS INSIGHTS How mobile network operators are evolving and investing to service everyone Absa's Premeshin Naidoo unpacks the unique value propositions of African telcos. TELECOMS INSIGHTS Digitisation represents a brave new world with infinite promise Absa's Premeshin Naidoo reviews the telecommunications sector. TELECOMS INSIGHTS Telco operators of today must evolve their business models Absa's Premeshin Naidoo addresses how telcos need to evolve for new markets. TELECOMS INSIGHTS Mobile Network Operators are increasingly shedding ownership of infrastructure Absa's Premeshin Naidoo reviews mobile network operators and infrastructure in Africa. TELECOMS INSIGHTS Telco businesses should consider expanding radio access networks Absa's Premeshin Naidoo addresses why further capital investment is required in radio access TECHNOLOGY INSIGHTS The big disruptions of digitisation in cross industries Premeshin Naidoo discusses how 5G is impacting different industries. Latest Podcasts Episode 02 Prasanna Nana Head: Telecommunications, Media and Technology Absa Group Telecoms Insights Smart farming: How the IoT tracks the health of livestock and crops with an app What does the Internet of Things mean for farming? Real-time data can now help farmers make real-time decisions about their farms. Episode 01 Jacques de Vos Chief Executive Officer: Mezzanine Absa Group Telecoms Insights How the Internet of Things (IoT) is connecting rural farmers to the world The power of digital is giving farmers an increase in productivity and access to formal value chains to generate higher returns. Load More × We help you achieve your sector growth ambitions Our highly experienced teams of sector specialists have an in-depth understanding of the industry within which you operate. They offer sector-specific knowledge, skills and experience to help you take the lead in your industry. Learn more Experience Absa Insights 2021 All sectors Absa insights series View all HospitalityThere’s no denying that the travel and Tourism industry was one of the hardest hit due to the various travel restrictions that were imposed, amongst other challenges. Read more Resources and Energy InsightsA report by the International Energy Agency (IEA) shows that Africa will be the most populated region in the world by 2040, surpassing China and India. While this increase in population presents challenges for the continent, there are exciting opportunities unfolding in the resource and energy sector. Read more Healthcare InsightsThe ability to roll out credible, sustainable and high-volume Covid-19 vaccination programs will likely be the single biggest driver of economic recovery in Africa over the next 24 months. Economies that fail to execute on this will be left behind as global trading resumes. Africa is a net importer of goods and services, therefore with the closing of borders and a vaccination rate of < 2% of Africa’s 1.2 billion population, it will leave the continent well behind the rest of the world. The cost will be devastating. We therefore need to increase our efforts in the most collaborative way. Read more Telecommunications, Media and Technology InsightsIn the next part of our insights series, we’re discussing Telecommunications, Media and Technology – and how they can unlock limitless possibilities in Africa. Traditionally the provider of voice, data connectivity and mobile payments solutions, the telecommunication sector, is now using technology to build an entire ecosystem around the individual consumer. Read more Enterprise and Supplier Development InsightsIn the next part of the Absa Insights series we discuss Enterprise and Supplier Development across Africa. Small and medium-sized businesses are likely to lead the economic recovery on the African continent, but until they can secure a genuine foothold in corporate value chains, the sector is likely to be dominated by a handful of players who had early-mover advantage and access to finance. Read more Consumer Insight SeriesAs the playing field for consumer products and services is constantly shifting, we extract practical business insights so you can respond effortlessly at every step of your growth journey. Read more Agriculture Insight SeriesWith expertise in the agricultural sector, we offer our clients valuable insights at every step of their growth journey. These strategic partnerships help them unlock their full financial potential with foresight and sustainable solutions. Read more Get in touch Let us contact you Our representatives will get back to you in 3 working days Contact Form Share your details with us and a banking expert will get in touch you at your convenience. 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