Liquidity Management

Have your money work for you

We design bespoke liquidity management solutions to ensure you optimise your cash flow, improve your yield on surplus balances and reduce your overdraft interest expenses.


Liquidity Optimisation

Optimise your cash balances with our sweeping and notional pooling structures

Our liquidity management structures will enable you to have sight of your cash position across your investment and current accounts to make the most efficient use of your available cash and other liquidity assets.


Invest with solutions that give you competitive yields

We offer flexible, low-risk and high-yield investment solutions to meet your short-term investment needs.

We work with you to tailor competitively priced investment offerings to suit your requirements across options on tenure and access to funds.

Working Capital

Working Capital

Align your cash flow cycles with our working capital management facilities

Our credit facilities are tailored to finance your working capital requirements with solutions to support you throughout the year or seasonally as required.

Balance Reporting

Manage your investment and current account structures with our online channel

Create and manage sweeping structures at your own discretion through our online channel.

Inform your cash management decision-making with comprehensive group-level or account-level notional pooling interest reporting.


Latest insights

Leading-edge thinking from our team of financial and sector experts.


JIBAR Reform

The SARB’s Market Practitioners Group has endorsed that the South African interest rate market adopts a Credit Adjustment Spread (CAS) estimation methodology, consistent with international practices and based on ISDA’s recommendation.


Absa’s Merchant Spend Analytics: January 2025

The January 2025 card transaction data, as anticipated, demonstrated a MTM decline, reflecting a post-festive season spending lull.


Bonds, Loans & ESG Capital Markets Africa 2025

At Absa, our commitment to innovation and expertise enables us to provide best-in-class capital solutions that drive sustainability while fostering Africa’s economic growth. As proud sponsors of Bonds, Loans and ESG Africa 2025, taking place on March 25–26 in Cape Town, we are dedicated to advancing conversations that strengthen Africa’s debt markets through sustainable practices—delivering impact beyond financial results.


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