24 OCTOBER 2024

Absa Africa Financial
Markets Index 2024

Absa Africa Financial Markets Index 2024

Now in its eighth year, the Absa Africa Financial Markets Index evaluates the financial development of African countries based on key measures of market accessibility, openness and transparency. This benchmark report provides investors with insights into the market infrastructure across the continent while enabling policymakers to learn from key developments throughout Africa.

AFMI 2024

The index, released annually, provides 29 countries with insights and tools across six metrics to improve the state of their financial markets and gives investors useful insights for doing business on the continent. The Index ranks the maturity, openness, and accessibility of 20 African financial markets based on qualitative and quantitative criteria. The development of local investor capacity and the ability to attract foreign capital are key focus points. The Absa Africa Financial Markets Index draws global attention to the considerable investment opportunities and uncovers the untapped market potential through expert analysis of the African financial markets.

The Index focuses on six fundamental pillars for financial market performance:

  • Market depth.
  • Access to foreign exchange.
  • Market transparency and regulation.
  • Pension fund development.
  • Macroeconomic opportunity.
  • Enforceability of international financial agreements.

Now on its seventh edition, the Absa Africa Financial Markets Index (AFMI) evaluates countries’ financial development based on measures of market accessibility, openness and transparency.

Meet the team


Anthony Kirui

Head of Global Markets, Africa Regional Operations, Absa Group


Jeff Gable

Head of Macro and Fixed Income Research, Absa Group


Nikhil Sanghani

Managing Director, Economic and Monetary Policy Institute, OMFIF


Taylor Pearce

Lead Economist, OMFIF


Arunima Sharan

Senior Economist, OMFIF


Yara Aziz

Economist, OMFIF

Watch the broadcast of the Africa Financial Markets Index Launch 2023 which took place in Marrakech on the 12th of October 2023

Download the 2023 AFMI Index launch report

Unlocking your potential with insight and sustainable solutions.

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