Agriculture Insights
Find out more about Absa’s expectations for Agriculture in 2022.
Latest Podcasts
Absa Group
As global food prices soar, Africa's agriculture sector is yet to benefit
Listen to Wandile Sihlobo, Chief Economist at the Agricultural Business Chamber of South Africa as he explains how Agriculture is one of this century’s great opportunities for the continent, yet most of our fertile land is under-utilised
Absa Group
The Agricultural sector: the bright spot for a fruitful future
Listen to Roux, Head: Agriculture, as he predicts why farmers (and not bankers) could be the next group driving Ferraris and Lamborghinis, thanks to Africa's rich Agriculture sector.
Leadership for today and tomorrow.
Our highly experienced team of specialists share their unique perspectives and data-driven insights to help you achieve your sector growth ambitions and take the lead in your industry. We do more so you can. That’s Africanacity.