Pan-African excellence
delivered on a global scale


Delivering pan-African excellence on a global scale

We are proud to have served as a Joint Global Co-ordinator and Bookrunner for Bidcorp's first €200 million syndicated multi-currency revolving credit facility. We also served as the Mandated Lead Arranger and Facility Agent.

Absa Corporate and Investment Banking takes pride in being able to structure complex solutions that balance multi-currency needs across global markets – all from within South Africa.

It all started with Bidcorp's long-standing relationship with our Debt Product and Coverage Teams. This, combined with our Syndicate Desk's knowledge of the international bank market, enabled us to create a structured solution that balanced Bidcorp's multi-currency needs across multiple international jurisdictions.

This landmark deal is testament to our pan-African focus of assisting South African-based companies to meet and exceed their international growth ambitions.

The bravery to imagine. That’s Africanacity.

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